Collective term for various directions in syntax research which, in contrast to some stages of generative transformational grammar, assumes the syntactic structures of the surface structure to be the basis for the interpretation of sentence meaning. Linguistic theories with surface syntax include that of Hudson (1976), daughter dependency grammar (so called because it allows not only dependency relations between sister nodes of constituents, e.g. between new and book in new book, but also dependency relations between daughter and mother nodes, as between new and new book), H.H.Lieb’s ‘Integrational Linguistics,’ as well as categorial grammar, which is more or less similar to surface syntax. ( also integrational linguistics, Montague grammar)


Fiengo, R. 1981. Surface structure: the interface of autonomous components. New Haven, CT. Hudson, R. 1976. Arguments for a non-transformational grammar. Chicago, IL. Lieb, H.H. 1977. Outline of integrational linguistics. Berlin.