Preparing to manage includes the three stages: survey, analysis and plan. At the start, we need to determine precisely what the information requirements are. Following a simple stepwise process allows us to identify what research is required. The information may already be in the library, on the Internet or in the minds of your staff. The focus of research is likely to involve the dual systems we have been living with: the bio-physical and the socio-economic, at its simplest, the site and the people. Sometimes differentiation between the two systems helps, at other times we need to integrate thinking. For the site, we may need to collect information about: natural systems, species present, distribution, type of soil, etc.; cultural systems, archaeology, historic buildings, legends; and managerial systems, leases, existing regimes, etc. For the people, we will need to be sure whose plan it is, and who needs to be involved in the different stages, and some techniques are suggested.