I now report that – during the period from 22 May 1611 when I set forth on the visitation, to 10 January this year when I finished – a total of 1802 cases has been dispatched by all of us. The figure can be broken down into the following groups: 1384 children, of twelve or fourteen years and under, were absolved ad cautelam. Of those older than twelve or fourteen, 290 were reconciled; 41 absolved ad cautelam with abjuration de levi; 81 retracted the confessions which they had made to the Holy Office in order to be reconciled either before the commissioners, in [the tribunal at] Logroño or during the visitation; and, finally, 6 confessed to having relapsed by returning to the aquelarres. Among the 290 whom I reconciled there were a hundred persons over twenty, of all ages, many of them being sixty, seventy, eighty, or even ninety years old. A survey of the cases of each one of the said groups has been set down separately in special reports. . . .