My purpose in this chapter is to show that in the psychoanalytic experience, conceived as poetics and not as technique, we should not speak of event (which pertains to the field of duration, the imaginary time of being) but, rather, of occurrence (which concerns the instant of the unconscious). It is only beyond the subject of the unconscious that we can accede to the object; and, due to the lack of a signifier that designates the being of the subject in the symbolic order, there is only negativity, where the subject can affirm the object (Il-y-a) through the Heideggerian act of Ereignis, which I translate as occurrence: occurrence of the object a, as creation (poíesis) of the truth of the subject. We will share these three moments in the company of Freud, Lacan, Bergson, Kierkegaard and Heidegger.