In this chapter we will explore an interview, one that is ‘ready made’ (Parker, 2005a). It is an ‘interview’ that prepares for an ‘act’, but from a certain context. One advantage of selecting this text is that we who analyze it have not also been in the position of the interviewer, and so we can sidestep the tendency of some proponents of psychosocial research to tell us what the text really means because the researcher knows something beyond what the reader can see on the page or because the researcher ‘feels’ something about it (e.g. Hollway & Jefferson, 2005). The use of Lacanian reference points is not designed to privilege Lacanian over other psychoanalytic approaches, but we will see in the course of the analysis how certain theoretical concepts from that tradition make it amenable to a ‘psychosocial’ reading (Hook, 2008b).