Coupe O'Kane and Goldbart (1998) succinctly summarise the difficulties those with learning difficulties and communication impairments might have. They may:

have skills as respondent but not as an initiator;

not be able to identify the topic of conversation by establishing joint reference;

not be able to maintain a topic leading to frequent topic changes;

give insufficient feedback as a listener about continued interest, such as no head nodding or saying ‘mm’;

give insufficient feedback to the speaker about understanding the content of communication. That is, there may be no requests for confirmation or clarification such as ‘What do you mean?’, ‘Uh?’;

interrupt inappropriately in timing and in content;

be unable to extend a communication after an initial turn as initiator and respondent;

terminate conversations prematurely with terminations communicated ineffectively;

be unable to recognise and repair breakdowns in communication.