While it is not surprising, in view of their institutional make-up that liberal regimes increasingly look to the private sector as a major source of income provision in retirement, the issue in this chapter is whether or not changes of this kind are crossing the regime barrier and developing in countries with more closely coupled institutional structures. To anticipate the argument somewhat, the evidence indicates that they are – although this is not to suggest that social and continental systems are ‘catching up’ with their liberal counterparts. Rather, what seems to be happening is that each of the countries examined below is leaning towards liberal solutions at least to the extent that various forms of ‘privatization’ have either been implemented or are being actively contemplated. In addition, definite adjustments are being made to existing PAYG social insurance arrangements, usually in the form of increased contribution periods and/or later retirement. Efforts to contain contribution levels are also a core feature of pension reform, particularly in the continental countries, and can be expected to lead to reductions in pension income as the baby boom generation enters retirement.