From Saint George for England, allegorically described (1601), sigs. A2-A3: The inuented historie of S. George (right honorable and my singular good Lord) howsoeuer heretofore abused, may conueniently be applied to these our dayes of her Maiesties most happy gouernement, wherein the beames of the Orientall starre of Gods most holy word appeare vnto vs most splendent and transparent, to the singular comfort of all faithfull. For whereas vnder the person of the noble champion Saint George our Sauiour Christ was prefigured, de1iuering the Virgin (which did signifie the sinfull soules of Christians) from the dragon or diuels power: So her most excellent Maiesty by aduancing the pure doctrine of Christ Iesvs in all truth and sincerity, hath (as an instrument appointed by diuine prouidence) bene vsed to performe the part of a valiant champion, deliuering an infinite number out of the diuels power, whereunto they were tied with the forcible chaines of darknesse.