It’s a little unfair to the two paradigms that they have been set up as opponents; two straw men knocking each other about and scoring points whenever one does something that the other can’t. They should in truth be allies. The relationship between them is analogous to that between Newtonian gravitational theory (for HE ideas) and General Relativity (for PM ones). General Relativity did not contradict Newton’s laws so much as subsume and extend them. For many practical purposes, it is easier and just as satisfactory to stick with Newton; you only need Einstein to deal with extreme cases and to provide overall understanding. It took careful observation of rather rare and subtle phenomena to distinguish between the two physical theories when there was still doubt about which was more true. As far as the HE/PM distinction is concerned, only the most preliminary of observations have been made but, if later ones should confirm the PM approach, HE theories will nevertheless remain valid in their area of application; it will simply be a matter of having shown that what they cover, at present thought by some to be everything to do with the mind, is really a fenced-off subsection of a larger field.