At a number of earlier points in this study, in particular, in the Introduction and section 3.2.1, it was pointed out that amount relative CPs are semantically equivalent to weak DPs and thus ought in principle to constitute, at least under some circumstances, an alternative realization of what weak DPs are interpreted as (that is, sets of sets of entities satisfying some cardinality condition); it was also pointed out that such an alternative cannot be expected to be available in general, in view of its non-canonical status. In this final part of this study, we will exhibit a type of construction which instantiates the predicted alternative. As will be seen, the construction in question is of interest not just as a curiosity, but first and foremost because it provides especially strong support for a variety of analytical proposals that were made in earlier sections. Specifically, the lack of a nominal which plays a resumptive role with respect to CP demonstrably turns out to correlate with the absence of precisely those properties of canonical amount constructions which have been argued to be consequences of the existence of resumptive nominals of various sorts. This construction thus provides, as I hope to show, a complementary type of argument for the conclusions which were reached on entirely independent grounds and strengthens our confidence in the correctness of those conclusions.