I have not provided biographical or bibliographical guides for these authors, since such information is easily accessible. The chief sources are:

The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, ed. G.Watson, vol. I, 6001660 (Cambridge, 1974) (abbreviated as NCBEL)

The Shorter New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, ed. G. Watson (Cambridge, 1981)

Great Writers Student Library, ed. J.Vinson, vol. II, The Renaissance Excluding Drama, ed. E.S.Donno (London, 1983)

Longman Literature in English Series, ed. D.Carroll and M.Wheeler: G. Waller, English Poetry of the Sixteenth Century (London, 1986); G. Parfitt, English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century (2nd edn, London, 1992)

A New History of French Literature, ed. D.Hollier (Cambridge, Mass., 1989) The Oxford Companion to English Literature, ed. M.Drabble (5th edn, Oxford,

1985) The Oxford History of English Literature: vol. III, C.S.Lewis, English Literature

in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama (Oxford, 1954); vol. V, D.Bush, English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century (2nd edn, Oxford, 1962)

The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, ed. B.Ford, A Guide for Readers (Harmondsworth, 1984)

Reference Guide to English Literature, ed. D.L.Kirkpatrick (3 vols, 2nd edn, Chicago, 1991)

For details of new editions and secondary works, students should consult the following annual bibliographies:

The Year’s Work in English Studies (The English Association) Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (Modern Humanities

Research Association) and the lists and annual review published in the following journal: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 The following are the most useful series containing editions of English

Renaissance authors (where a series is now out of print it is marked o.p.): Doubleday Anchor Seventeenth-Century Series o.p. Everyman’s Library (London) Longman’s Annotated English Poets (London) Muses” Library o.p.