The previous chapter drew attention to strengths, weaknesses and differences of perspective in the efforts of NARS and NGOs to foster agricultural development among resource poor farmers. In this chapter our goal is to identify recent initiatives taken by NGOs and NARS to respond to their institutional and operational weaknesses, and to take advantage of each other’s strengths. In the case of NGOs we also consider their attempts to change the focus of the work of NARS and so scale-up their impact on ATD. Many of these initiatives until recently concentrated on fostering new relationships within the NARS or among NGOs. In recent years, however, they have involved attempts to forge new relationships between NGOs and NARS. This has been so both within sub-systems of the ATS and between these sub-systems. These changes have been in part an act of policy choice by the actors involved, and in part a response to changes in the context of the ATS.