When counsellors are attached or employed, it is important to take the opportunity to examine the value and effectiveness of the placement. As resources are becoming increasingly limited, adding any additional members to the primary care team needs to be assessed and evaluated carefully. However, evaluation may be particularly worth while in the field of counselling as it can aid future decisions regarding the best way to use the counsellor’s limited time in the surgery. For example, an evaluation may find out that the consultative role of the counsellor (giving other team members support or advice regarding their patients) is as valuable as the counsellor seeing clients directly. Alternatively, an evaluation can suggest that running a group for clients (for example, a support group for those wishing to withdraw from tranquillisers) is more cost-effective than seeing patients individually. Assessments may also yield information on the types of patients who seem to benefit most from seeing a counsellor as well as those who find it difficult to accept this type of help.