VR, VR, VR was, at the time of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, June 1897, a Cockney c.p. It punned on ve are, ve are, ve are, we are (thrice), and VR, Victoria Regina. Ware. vain. See: who’s that. valuable. See: this is not only. valve. See: you’ll bust. van. See: another one; coming up; send for the green. vanilla. See: I’ll take v. vas you dere, Sharlie? ‘A radio comedian who called himself Baron Munchausen told tall stories to a “straight man” (Charlie), who expressed doubt. This was the gag line. It became popular for a while-if anyone expressed any doubt or scepticism, you said “Vas you dere, Sharlie?” in the 1930s’ (Professor Emeritus F.E. L.Priestley, concerning its Can. usage). Berrey records its US usage.