IT is related-but the Invisible knows all!—that there was once in Cairo, in the land of Egypt, a Sultan of the illustrious Turkish Bahris, whose name was al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bundukdari. During his reign Islam shone with unprecedented lustre, and the empire rolled gloriously between the extremes of east and west. Under the blue heaven of Allah the strongholds of the Franks and the Nazarenes were not to be found, for their kings had become a carpet for al-Malik’s feet. No voice was heard in the deserts and green meadowland save the voice of the Believer, no footprint seen that had not been made by one walking in the way of righteousness. Therefore be manifold blessing given to the Fortunate One, to our lord Ahmad Muhammad, son of Abdallah, the Prophet of Allah, because he showed the way of righteousness! Amen.