Each of these company case-studies addresses the historical development and geographical spread of the firm's investment overseas, looking particularly at how investment in Europe relates to investment in the United States, South-East Asia, and elsewhere world-wide. Each examines the motivation for the European investment, and considers the location of that investment within the European Community. And each looks briefly at the competitive dynamics faced by the firm. The information thus presented will form the basis not only for a consideration in Chapter 8 of the empirical validity of the theoretical framework adopted in this study, but also for an assessment in Chapter 10 of the consequences of Japanese direct investment for the UK economy. It should be noted, however, that the emphasis in these case-studies is upon strategic questions and upon the economic effects of the investments. Little information is presented on managerial and organisational issues associated with the incorporation of the European subsidiaries, though some general comments will be made on such issues in Chapter 10.