F o r the morpho logy o f the part iciple see 16.5.3; there are some addi t ional observations i n 21.1.1. The (past) part iciple is a form of the verb which , in some o f its functions at least, is strongly adjectival. Ca ta lan 'past' participles have two ma in functions:

(i) In combina t ion w i t h auxi l iary haver, and more rarely tenir or ser, to form the perfect and other compound tenses. The c o m p o u n d tenses of al l verbs are formed wi th haver: the part iciple appears in its masculine singular form except for the par t icular cases mentioned in 21.1.2iv. In the less c o m m o n perfect-tense formations wi th tenir or ser (21.1.2H and iii) agreement o f the past part iciple does occur. F o r detailed discussion of the c o m p o u n d tenses i n general see 17.2.