P r o n o m i n a l verbs are those which appear w i t h an object p ronoun (i.e. em, et, es, ens, us, es, i n the appropriate form) o f the same person as the subject o f the verb: M'he llevat 1 got up ' , Pentina't ' C o m b your hair ' , Aneu-vos-en G o away'. Verbs in the th i rd person, inc lud ing voste(s), take the reflexive p ronoun es (s\ -se, 's) for bo th singular and p lura l . W h e n standing alone or as a verbal noun , the infinitive takes encli t ic -se o r ' s (identificar-se ' identify onesel f , renovar-se o morir 'be renewed or die ' , moure's 'move' (intransitive)), which is how p r o n o m i n a l verbs are given in word lists, dictionaries, etc.