Complemen t clauses, or n o u n clauses - introduced by que 'that', com 'how' , si ' i f , and so o n - occupy the place typical o f a noun phrase in a sentence. Such a clause may be the object o f a verb, the subject o f another clause, or the complement o f a n o u n or adjective. U n l i k e Eng l i sh , Ca ta l an never drops the complement izer (conjunction) que ' that' in t roducing a complement clause: M'han dit que tornaran 'They 've to ld me (that) they ' l l come back' . Other divergences between Eng l i sh and Ca ta lan syntax, inc lud ing contexts where the subjunctive appears in complement clauses (see 19.2.1), are discussed under separate headings in 32 .1-3. Other functions are described i n 32 .4-5 .