But to rehearse their recreations. Their customs were in winter time to go sometimes to plays, or to ride in their coaches about the streets to see the concourse and recourse2 of people; and in the spring time to visit the Spring Garden,3 5 Hyde Park, and the like places; and sometimes they would have music, and sup in barges upon the waters. These harmless recreations they would pass their time away with; for I observed they did seldom make visits, nor never went 10 abroad with strangers in their company, but only themselves in a flock together, agreeing so well that there seemed but one mind amongst them. And not only my own brothers and sisters agreed so, but my brothers and sisters in law, and 15 their children, although but young, had the like agreeable natures and affectionable4 dispositions. For to my best remembrance I do not know that ever they did fall out, or had any angry or unkind disputes. Likewise, I did observe that 20 my sisters were so far from mingling themselves with any other company, that they had no familiar conversation or intimate acquaintance with the families to which each other were linked by marriage, the family 25 of the one being as great strangers to the rest of my brothers and sisters as the family of the other.