The present paper focuses attention on the sector and country incidence of the anti-dumping and countervailing duty (AD/ CVD) cases in the European Communities (EC) for the period 1980-1984. It presents, probably for the first time, detailed estimates of such incidence, using data compiled on a case by case basis and put together from a very fine level of disaggregation. (1)

The plan of the paper is as follows: in section 2, a very brief overview of the import restrictions in the European Communities is provided to set the place of the AD/CVD mechanism within the constellation of such restrictive measures. Subsequently, in section 3, some features of the AD/CVD procedures and practices in the European Communities are briefly sketched. An overview of the import-incidence of the AD/CVD cases in the EC is provided in section 4. Section 5 contains the analysis of the country incidence of the AD/CVD cases and section 6 that of the sector incidence. The quantitative investigation reported in the last mentioned three sections (sections 4, 5 and 6) basically concentrates on the question of the amount of imports subjected to the AD/CVD cases in the European Communities. More specifically, it examines: (a) the prevalence (sector and country wise) of AD/CVD actions on EC’s imports, (b) its frequency and changes over the period covered and (c) whether the imports from the developing countries are particularly affected by the AD/CVD actions. Although the empirical thrust of the analysis is based on the trade data compiled specifically for this study, information obtained by the analysis of the relevant case law and through discussions with practising lawyers and administrators

at the Commission of the European Communities is used to complement, qualify or illustrate the patterns which the empirical data suggest and where possible, to draw reasonable inferences. These inferences and the main conclusions are summed up in the last section.