We will restrict this section to discussing training as it relates to soccer. Several of the statements in this section will be expanded upon in subsequent chapters.

Soccer has become a major youth sport in the United States. It is estimated that over 15 million youngsters play soccer at various levels. Soccer is not thought of as a contact sport; however, body contact does occur as part of the normal flow of play. Although injuries due to soccer are relatively low compared to other sports, for those above 18 years old the injury rate is about 6-8%. Most injuries for those below 12 years of age occur in the lower extremities due to blows to these regions or due to overuse and improper training. Most injuries in soccer occur at the ankle, foot, knee, and skin. Less frequent injuries occur in the abdomen, head, and neck. Goalies tend to have more injuries. Female soccer players tend to have higher rates of injuries than males.