The gravity of the matter seems to have made a deep impression on the Chaeroneians who long preserved the details in their folk-memory. Years afterwards they still pointed out the descendents of the principal participant, one Damon, and also the place where he was slain which was said to be haunted by his ghost. This Damon was renowned for his good looks and the commander of the Roman cohort duly fell in love with him. When the Roman could not get what he wanted by blandishments he resolved on the use of force. Damon, foreseeing what was about to happen, gathered together a band of sixteen youths. After a night’s drinking they smeared their faces with soot and killed the Roman and his friends while they were sacrificing at daybreak in the market-place. They then fled the town. The town council, acutely aware of the danger in which they now stood,10 immediately met and established their good faith by condemning Damon and his followers to death. Their reply was swift and clear. Slipping back into the town by night they murdered the magistrates as they were having dinner in the town hall. Then they bolted once more to live the life of outlaws.