The best general history of colonialism is D.K.Fieldhouse, The Colonial Empires: A Comparative Survey From the Eighteenth Century (Macmillan, 1982); V.G.Kiernan, The European Empires from Conquest to Collapse, 1815-1960 (Leicester University Press, 1982) is also useful but excludes the Americas. L.H.Gann and P.Duignan, Burden of Empire (Pall Mall, 1968) provides a generally favourable overview of colonialism in tropical Africa. P.Gifford and W.R.Louis, The Transfer of Power in Africa (Yale University Press, 1982) looks at decolonisation mostly from the standpoint of colonial policy, while E. Kedourie, Nationalism in Asia and Africa (Weidenfeld, 1971) does so more from that of the colonised.