The interjections listed here can only occur as interjections. The following list is representative but probably not exhaustive: (3123) auee, aauee, uee

approval, used in formal contexts display (d.

with a name, vocative (d., also sudden recall, surprise

mild pain, sudden realization that one is mistaken sorrow, pain, particularly in wailing return to a normal state of affairs discourse conjunct (d. 2.1.9(a»

00 oi oi oi oovee, oove, ovee oovekani saa taa taa taa taapaa, ttapa, tapa ee, taapaa ee (also tepei in Vaitupu only)

encouragement before heaving a heavy object ('one, two, three')39

with a name, vocative (d. surprised disapproval surprise, wonder (Funafuti and Vaitupu dialects) admiration, wonder (Funafuti and Vaitupu dialects) exasperation, surprise, disbelief 'blah blah blah' surprise, wonder, exasperation, amazement

All interjections can be prefixed with faka-to create verbs with the meaning of 'utter X', where X is the interjection, e.g.,fakaauee 'utter "auee!'" (d.