When Jacques Derrida first published his essay on the "exchange" between Heidegger and Meyer Schapiro in the art journal Macula (no. 3), it bore the title "La Verite en pointure." The title could be rendered in English as "Truth in Shoe Size." The essay was then republished in the "book" entitled La verite en peinture (1978), and translated into English as The Truth in Painting (1987), including as the fourth of four essays-the one called a "polylogue', an expanded version of "La Verite en pointure." The new title for the essay-or "polylogue"-is given as "Restitutions de la verite en pointure." An English translation of the first part of the essay was published in the 1978 issue of Research in Phenomenology. Hence there are three linked titles that accompany this essay: "Truth in Shoe Sizes," "Truth in Painting," and "Restitutions." What links these three titles-provisional and permanent at the same time-will be the topic of what follows. In other words, what brings together the questions of

shoes and shoe sizes, the question of painting, and the problem of restitution will constitute the fabric of my own contribution.