The text is an indecidable. The text's indecidability is elaborated in terms of and as an operative feature of its textuality, Indeed, the text's textuality is its indecidability. It is not that the text is one thing and that there is a problem of determining what that thing is-although an articulation of the status of the text is no easy matter and elucidating its textuality is not a simple procedure. The indecision is not a psychological state of the reader, although interpretation is usually necessary in order to make sense of the text's textuality, The reader often requires an interpretation in order to dispel any confusion that might arise in a reading, or the reading, of a text. However, the text's indecidability does not lie in the reader's confusion. Furthermore, the text's indecidability does not result from an indeterminacy of reference or a simple multiplicity of references. Many texts exhibit a world in which it is often unclear what (if any) reality, what (if any) experience, what (if any) event is cited or invoked. And many texts offer various possible worlds which do or could suit the narrative offered. But, neither of these features characterize the text's indecidability. The text's indecidability lies in its textuality or textualities through which the text (or a text) establishes its identity as a text.