Whereas in December 1986 in London the European Council decided that 1989 should be designated ‘European Cancer Information Year’ and specified that the aim would be to develop a sustained and concerted information campaign in all the Member States on the prevention, early screening and treatment of cancer;

Whereas the prevention and research measures already undertaken in the context of the ‘Europe against cancer’ programme should be supplemented by measures to increase awareness among members of the health professions and by an information campaign;

Whereas this campaign should be especially designed to increase the awareness of the public, teachers and members of the health professions regarding the fight against cancer, which includes in particular the fight against tobacco, protection against carcinogenic agents and, for the purposes of health promotion in general, improvement in nutrition;

Whereas information campaigns against cancer are a matter for the competent private organizations and public authorities of the Member States, but Community action may give a major boost towards success in the fight against cancer;

Whereas duplication of effort should be avoided by developing common basic material for the information of the public and for the training of members of the health professions, as well as by promoting exchanges of experience,


Article 1

1. The Commission and the Member States shall implement, in the period 1988 to 1989, the measures set out in the Annex.