When happy or pleased: ┑㝨ㅁᇩ the face is full of smiles, ⴹᔰ⵬ㅁ to beam with joy, ⴹ伎㢢㡎 one’s face lights up with joy ( literally with dancing eyebrows and

radiant face) ௌㅁ仌ᔰ to light up with pleasure, ┑䶒᱕仾 radiant with happiness

When happy but casual and relaxed: 㝨кㅁ౫౫Ⲵ beaming; smiling broadly

When in good health and in a good mood: ⾎䟷྅྅ glowing with health and radiating vigour,

When embarrassed: ┑㝨㗎᝗ to look ashamed, 㝨к㓒а䱥ⲭа䱥 to turn red and then turn pale, 䶒㓒㙣䎔 to be red in the face

When in difficult situations: ᜱⴹ㤖㝨 to have a worried look, ᜱᇩ┑䶒 to look extremely worried, ┑㝨ᜱӁ to look extremely worried

When unpleasantly shocked: 㝨ࡧൠалⲭҶ to suddenly turn pale, 䶒ᰐ㹰㢢 the face is pale, 䶒ྲ൏㢢 to turn deadly pale, 䶒㢢㣽ⲭ the face is extremely pale

When shocked and embarrassed: 㝨㞮ൠал㓒Ҷ the face suddenly turns red

When unfriendly and cold: 㝨кߧߠߠⲴ the attitude is cold and unfriendly, 㝨к䱤἞἞Ⲵ to look

unfriendly and cold

When suspicious: ┑㝨⯁ᜁ to look dubious

When worked up: 䶒㓒㙣䎔 to be red in the face

When ill or malnourished: 䶒ྲ൏㢢 to turn deadly pale, 䶒哴㚼ⱖ sallow and emaciated, 䶒㢢㣽ⲭ the face is extremely pale, 㝨㢢㵑哴 the face is sallow, 䶒ᰐ㹰㢢 the face is pale

When courageously facing a dangerous situation: 䶒н᭩㢢 to remain calm

When smiling cheekily: ᄹⳞㅁ㝨 to grin cheekily

which you think are positive, a cross beside those which you think are negative and a circle beside the words which you consider neutral.