This chapter provides a typology and a grid as a framework for understanding what kinds of benefits and impacts different kinds of events can offer. It deals with a broad range of modern (and postmodern) arts events including festivals, fairs and expos, temporary and travelling exhibitions, studio- and gallery-related events, community arts events and specifically tourism-inspired arts events. A large number of popular and free arts events can be termed public art. Pleasurable events offer enjoyable recreational, leisure and touristic experiences. Enriching events create opportunities for personal growth and/ or to sell products or experiences. Celebratory events celebrate cultural diversity. The events orientation leans strongly towards the artist and interested public with an emphasis on process rather than product thus maintaining its reputation for encouraging artistic experimentation and supporting regional practice. There are also events that embody the sustainable development maxim that small is beautiful, because they are good examples of small locally managed arts events that affirm cultural identity.