This is probably regarded as one of the standard textbooks for this course. The book is

certainly a heavyweight and intended to be applicable to all AS and A2 specifications

in core content. There is an accompanying Business Studies Teacher's Book costing £46.99, which is fully photocopiable and provides teachers with worksheets and

answers to all the questions and activities in the Student's Book. Business Studies is made up of 95 self-contained units which are organised into six subject topics. All the

units are self-contained, allowing teachers to cover the material in the order they wish,

or two teachers to work simultaneously; the materials are also cross-referenced. Each

unit starts with a definition of the topic area, for example 'Marketing objectives' or

'Types of production', includes a box with key terms and ends with an evaluation. In

addition, 'In business' boxes include recent examples of real-life companies in activities

relating to the theory.