Icreisman and Straus ( 1989) observed that Western contemporary society tends to promote the kind of dualistic ideology demonstrated by the conference participant. We like to label and compartmentalize our world into neat, tidy packages. We yearn for a time when right and wrong were more easily defined-where the good guys wore white hats and were always good and the bad guys wore black hats and were always bad. In reality, these simpler times were never so simple, except maybe within the con-

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fines of television and movie screens. We have been conditioned to create mythical polarities to see people and their problems more clearly than they really are. Either you are a gutless, bleeding heart liberal, or a heartless, staunch conservative. Either you try to empathize and support the helpless victim or challenge and confront the malevolent delinquent. Often, those unwilling to take a polar position are considered wishy-washy or apathetic. Yet, invariably, those who possess a unique gift to work with challenging youth know that you have to offer both support and challenge-often at the same time.