New stepfamilies are families in transition from former households to integrated stepfamily households. As a rule, the adults in stepfamilies believe the adjustment period will take place much more easily and much more quickly than is realistic to expect. Forming new relationships, working out new routines and satisfactory ways of doing things, and dealing with the comings and goings of your children all take considerable time. When your children are young, it usually takes less time than when your children are older and have had more years in other types of households. Research is indicating that from three to five years is an average time for many stepfamilies to feel “settled.” Even when people do feel a sense of belonging to your family group, you may find that when holidays, changes of residence, graduations, weddings, and other family-type events take place things will once again feel uncomfortable for a time. This does not mean that something is going wrong; it is simply due to the fact that stepfamily structure is complex and often there are people in several households to be considered.