Summer has arrived, in a flurry of colour, heat and vibrant activity. If we marked the passing year by shades, then this month would be pillar-box red and amber orange, with a splash of zingy lemon freshness. We often ignore the value of colour in our life, letting the palette of every day wash over us. It's interesting then that colours play a big part in celebrations around the world. We use colour to symbolise the spirit of the event, and show how we feel. It captures the imagination and helps us connect to the energy behind the festivity. Ribbons are also a useful tool and are often tied together to represent unity, the combination of colours symbolising the joining together of ideas. With this in mind, I have created activities that use the power of colour to illustrate a point and the movement and flexibility of ribbons. It's important to show children how to appreciate this medium and use simple crafting skills to connect and share their emotions and beliefs with others.