Tm; Dm:.ur uF TA~UATH-AliiEX, ou TANGT-AliiEX. THE text descriLiug the Dream of TaiJnt-Ameu i:; ent in hieroglyphics npon a stele of grey granite alJout -±ft. 8 in. high aud al1out :2 ft. 5 in. wide, which was fouml at Gobl'l Barkal with Uw Ntelc of l'i;lukhi nuder circmnstances already descriJ,cd, and wl1iclt is now preserved iu the Egyptiau l\lllscnm at Cairo/ where it bears the llll!lll!Cl' (j!)J. The contents ur tbe text were fir.~t de~cribed l1y Mariette in 1865,~ and t;lte text was first publishcll, with a Freuch translatiolJ, J,y l'rof. l\lasperu in 18G8_:: .\n l~nglish version of l'rof.