E-NUMBERS are pan-European code numbers identifying a range of food additives. Their use is demanded by various directives.

EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency): See MEDIA 2007

EAEC: See European Atomic Energy Community

EAGGF: See European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund

EAP: See Eastern Partnership

EAP: See Environmental Action Programme

EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency): See Air Transport Policy


The EASTERN PARTNERSHIP (EaP) between the European Union (EU) and its eastern neighbours-Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine-was launched at a dedicated summit in Prague in May 2009 as part of EU efforts to respond to the wish of most of these countries for closer ties. The EaP is part of the European neighbourhood policy (ENP) and is aimed at strengthening relations through increased bilateral co-operation, new association agreements, deep and comprehensive free trade areas, visa facilitation and liberalization, and co-operation on energy security matters, notably security of supply to the EU. Multilateral co-operation is also envisaged, with heads of government and state expected to meet every two years. Although in 2011 the European Commission, as part of its review of the

ENP, advocated an increased emphasis on regional partnerships within the ENP, the postponement of, and poor attendance by EU leaders at, EaP summits has led the EU’s eastern neighbours to question the EU’s commitment to the ‘partnership’.