The problem of firm Party leadership. We must reinforce this leadership on the basis of clearly formulated positions of principle. ARRK must be an organisation that promotes a rapprochement between film workers and the demand of the masses. An alliance [smychka] with the public must be achieved through every member of ARRK joining ODSK and working actively in it. OSO (the Society for the Promotion of Defence) merged with Aviakhim152 and the country's defences did not suffer. That is what should happen in future to ARRK. The differences between ARRK and OSO lie in the fact that cinema by its very nature is far less subject to the ideological influence of the public than is the military and, secondly, that cinema in its present form, given the weakness of public habits, lacks an organisation of the ARRK type that is more restricted in its composition. For this reason

all talk of liquidating ARRK is premature. The second problem we face today is that of

the organisational principle behind ARRK. Of the large numbers of film-workers in Moscow, for example, ARRK embraces only the top 200-300 people. In this sense ARRK is not a proletarian organisation but a kind of guild. Is it really true that the thousands of film-workers who are not members of ARRK do not need either ideological training or improved qualifications?