The Society's coming year will be spent in organisational construction. This Society, alongside the 'Down with Illiteracy' Association, must play one of the leading roles on the educational and cultural front. ODSK, in assisting the development of Soviet cinema, must be an instrument of education and knowledge, because cinema is raising the cultural level of the toiling masses of the USSR and its numerous nationalities who are not yet even literate. In many cases mobile film projectors and their pictures have destroyed superstitition and prejudice, which no agropropaganda etc. could have overcome, and the countryside has gone over to crop rotation, to electrification and so on. The establishment of ODSK should assist the final completion of the construction of Soviet cinema as an instrument for the class education of the proletariat. The vast and fruitful tasks of Soviet cinema construction that ODSK faces are: taking possession of cinema, the skilful direction of its work in the interests of the toiling masses, the development of amateur filming, the actual attraction of the masses into the work of constructing the Soviet cinema, keeping film production in line, the creation of a critical perception of the bourgeois film with a view to fighting its harmful influence on the psyche of the workers, the struggle to raise the mass's interest in Soviet film and the gradual removal from our everyday life of the foreign film until it comprises a small percentage, the struggle to sanitise cinema programmes and include in them scientific films and newsreels, work on the cinefication of the countryside, and so on.