A basic assumption of effective practice is that therapists will consider the use of culturally sensitive treatment with culturally diverse clients. The question is how does a therapists decide if, when, and how to utilize a cultural intervention, a culturally sensitive therapy, or a culturally sensitive intervention, instead of a conventional Western intervention, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)? Unfortunately, graduate coursework and the professional literature provide little clarity and few specific guidelines for answering this question. If textbooks on treating culturally diverse clients address the issue at all it is only indirectly (Paniagua, 2005). Nevertheless, this essential competency is becoming increasingly important in everyday practice. This chapter addresses this basic question directly. It begins by briefly distinguishing cultural intervention, culturally sensitive therapy, and culturally sensitive intervention. Then it provides general guidelines for making such decisions. Finally, the chapter provides illustrations of various forms of interventions when cultural factors are operative.