Therapists can use any of the elective topics presented in Part III. Elective topics can be used as the main component of a session. On the other hand, they may not take a full session and they may be combined with other core or elective topics in the same meeting. For example, education may provide an opportunity to explore communication about drinking and the effects of drinking with those present in the session therefore combining a core and elective topic. In the course of our work it has become evident that two of the elective sessions are used very frequently and are very popular with therapists. These include `Basic information about alcohol' and `Increasing pleasant and joint activities'. The information work, when conducted with focal clients and network members together, provides an opportunity to develop a common agreed understanding as a platform from which to work and address one of the more common problems: differing views and the confusion and uncertainty that usually surround the development of an alcohol problem both for the focal client and for those people concerned and affected by the focal client's drinking. The elective topic focusing on activities provides a positive way to explore alternatives to drinking and generate enhanced self-esteem and optimism.