The Moderator is appointed by the Examination Board to carry out moderation of the internally assessed components of the specification. In Drama and Theatre Studies, this means Unit 1 and, in the A2 year, Unit 3. The Moderator is or has been a teacher, with the vast majority of moderators currently teaching the specification. During your contribution to Unit 1, your teacher-assessor will make notes that will eventually help him or her to come to a decision about the marks you will be awarded for your contribution to the exploration process of both texts and your evaluation of the live theatre performance. At every stage of the process, your teacher-assessor is looking for opportunities to reward your work against the published criteria. Your teacher-assessor is not looking to penalise you for anything. At the end of the Unit 1 time period, your teacher-assessor will award you marks against the published criteria and submit these alongside a written summary of why you have been awarded those marks. The Moderator’s job is then to look at the evidence submitted and decide whether or not the mark you have been given reflects marks for work of a comparable standard across the country. If it does, then your teacher-assessor’s mark will stand. If it does not, then the moderator has the job of adjusting the mark to bring it in line with the national standard. In some circumstances, the moderator may request further evidence of work from your teacher-assessor, so it is really important that all of your work is kept safe and secure until the very end of the moderation process.