Introduction The structure of this chapter differs from that of the previous three as it discusses the changes in personnel management at a single firm. RetailCo is a major Japanese retail firm with a worldwide presence that operates superstores, supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, department stores, speciality stores and discount stores. It has also diversified into other fields such as financial services. In spite of the weak domestic demand since the 1990s, sales and net income have shown an upward trend. This chapter focuses on the personnel management at the firm’s superstores, large supermarkets that also sell apparel and household goods. Their number and sales have been fairly stable in recent years and the firm did not feel compelled to reduce employment like most of the firms in the other industries. However, it still made important changes in its personnel management. Major initiatives included the introduction of performance-related pay for regular employees in 2000 and a new personnel system for non-regular employees in 2006.