The clue for parallel units is the little word she)nith) "second time." "The messenger of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven." An oath empowers the divine speech: "By myself I have sworn, utterance of the Lord." Two motivational clauses frame four promises:24

Because (Ceqeb )aser) you-have-obeyed my-voice (22:16b-18) In the opening motivation (22:16b), the introductory particles k£ ya Can25 point

back to the deictic words "for now (k£ Catah) I know that" (22:12). And the content of this clause also recalls earlier divine speeches. The assertion "you have done this thing" alludes reversely to the prohibition "Do not do to him anything" (22:12). The recognition "you have not withheld your son, your only one" contains a direct quotation (22:2). Verification of these emphases comes in the concluding line, "because you have obeyed my voice" (22:18b). Framing promises of blessing, these motivational clauses underscore not just Abraham's willingness but indeed his relinquishment ofidolatry. No longer is he attached to Isaac. He has not withheld his son; he has obeyed the divine voice.