Exploring the flowchart The flowchart explores prose fiction from ‘the bottom up’, looking at the more

basic aspects of story such as narrative elements and genre before investigating

the particulars of character and background (settings). This has been done

partly for simplicity’s sake and to offer young writers a route through the decision-

making process of building a story. Some pupils will want to work in this way:

out of their big decisions will come ideas for particular storylines, character

details and descriptive details of place. Other pupils might have an idea for a

specific story in the first instance. A Science Fiction fan for example, being

familiar with that genre, may well come up with a number of storylines quickly

and easily. When this happens you might direct them to individual modules

rather than suggesting they follow the route through the flowchart. Having said

that, you might decide that that pupil would benefit from looking at the deeper

structure of narrative (elements and sub-elements) to give him deeper insights

into his writing.