Using connectives creatively Using a variety of connectives is one surefire way of improving a pupil’s test scores

(parroting and the OCR Syndrome notwithstanding). However, while connectives

tend to be lumped together grammatically, they require us to do quite radically

different things within our imaginations. To understand the concept of meanwhile

for example we need to make a spatial leap in our heads and be able to do ‘big

chunk’ overview thinking . . . ‘The car crashed through the fence and came to halt,

teetering precariously on the cliff edge. Emily opened her eyes and let go of the

steering wheel, hardly daring to breathe. Meanwhile back in the city Jeff listened to

her voicemail message telling him she was going to visit her lawyer.’ Visually it’s a

sudden change of scene. If the following sentence in our nail-biting story was ‘Yet

even as Jeff realised that Emily was leaving him, his thoughts drifted back to the

summer before, when everything had seemed so perfect between them.’ Now we

need to make a temporal leap as well.