Introduction This book aimed to draw together insights into India’s relationship with tourism and to add to the relatively small corpus of academic literature on tourism and India. As highlighted in several chapters in this book, India as a tourist destination has not yet attracted broad attention from the international tourism scholarly community. In comparison with tourism research on other developing countries, relatively few papers on India have been published in international tourism journals and there are very few books that specifically deal critically with India’s tourism issues. Indian scholars’ publications, meanwhile, often address the Indian public rather than an international audience and do not benefit from a wide distribution. Therefore, we have attempted to pull together the various books and articles that have been published to provide the reader with a ‘state of the art’ commentary on tourism and India. In this concluding chapter we wish to first provide a brief summary of the book by noting some of the significant connections between previous chapters. We then go on to discuss recent developments in terms of India’s tourism promotion, before finally outlining a research agenda for tourism and India in the twenty-first century.