We captured ten AFL soldiers in Old Road. They put their hands up and we killed them. We cut their heads off. I don't feel good killing. I have knife-proof. But he is my enemy. I wear my charms — they are Sonkaley Goa. I have my medicine. It is Seke. I'm not sure what's in it. It was given to me by a medicine man in Saklepie. If you take the medicine then you can't have sex or eat raw cassava or palm oil. If you do, the medicine will spoil. I keep the medicine because everybody know I'm a rebel. I wear a ring and two fetishes on rope around my neck. If you are my enemy the ring will burn me. If somebody is my enemy at the checkpoint then I will know because my ring will tell me. If somebody is my enemy I will take him on one side. People beg. They say: ‘Please don't kill me.’ But I don't trust them. They are in my territory. I have killed fifty people. I cut off their heads or shot them. They begged for their lives, but I didn't trust them. My people in my area like me. I did things for them. If I think about the war I feel bad, because here's my own country and we have damaged our country. Now everybody has an enemy.