Achievements and outcomes of engaging with the multi-agency selfevaluation process The achievements from engaging with the multiagency self-evaluation process The achievements are many for those schools, children’s centres, services and practitioners engaging with the multi-agency selfevaluation/award process. Table 5.1 provides a useful summary of the main achievements. Those schools, children’s centres and services systematically gathering evidence for each of the nine multi-agency aspects will experience a great sense of achievement, in view of the rigour and robustness of the self-evaluation process. Leaders of schools will find that by engaging with the multiagency self-evaluation process they will gain valuable knowledge and skills relevant to the National Standards for School Leadership in the areas of Leading People and Leading in the Community, both of which cover aspects of multi-agency working. Similarly, heads of children’s centres will also gain the necessary skills relating to multiagency partnership working that feature in the National Standards for Leaders of Sure Start Children’s Centres’, Building and Strengthening Teams. The multi-agency self-evaluation process described in this book will enable those working in children’s services, who deliver direct support and interventions to children and young people in schools

and children’s centres, to provide high-quality integrated services that will meet the government’s expectations and legal requirements. The Every Child Matters (ECM) Solutions website will publicise and disseminate the good practice in multi-agency working, as schools, children’s centres, services and other education settings achieve the multi-agency award.