Alcohol is an easily identifi ed chemical compound called ethyl alcohol, or more commonly ethanol. Its presence in drinks can be identifi ed and quantifi ed. In Britain the alcoholic content of drinks is clearly stated on the container as percentage volume. However, the quantity of ethyl alcohol can be measured as fl uid ounces, millilitres, grams or units. One (UK) fl uid ounce of alcohol is equivalent to 28.41 millilitres of alcohol. One millilitre of alcohol is equivalent to 0.79 grams of alcohol. One UK unit of alcohol is equivalent to 8-10 grams of pure alcohol (WHO 2000). A single pub measure of spirits (40 per cent alcohol), a small glass of wine

(12 per cent alcohol) or half a pint of standard strength beer (4 per cent alcohol) all contain 1 unit of alcohol (Plant and Plant 2006). However, many beers and wines are stronger than this and many servings larger. Reviews of alcohol consumption using different measures frequently standardise all their data back to grams of alcohol (Anderson et al. 1993; WHO 2000).