In the developing countries the saving of the energy consumption is a very important Social-economical development strategy of local and central government.

According to the forecasts for the period 1990 - 2000, the urban population in Vietnam will grow at the rate of 3.2 % per year due to the Urbanization. Household energy and use and demands to improving of living condition are increasing quickly. Based of forecasts, urban household energy and-use in 1995 will be 1.85 - 2.05 times that of 1990, and by 2000, it will have increased 2.85 - 3.45 fold.

There is in the country the trend of considerable increasing of electricity supply, chiefly for the urban areas. Household demands for electricity like lighting, cooking, air conditioning, heating, mechanical ventilating, refrigeration, etc. have also grown rapidly. Social development policies of the government pay the attention to find out efficient solutions for the improving the living and working conditions of the population improvement of comfort for living and working of the people is step by step going on and requires the good answer for the questions of conflict between "Demand" and "Supply" as well as "Consumption" and "Saving".

The definition of "Human comfort" is very necessary as basis data's for increasing the level of living and working conditions for the people.

"Human thermal Comfort" is the background for Setting up and Improving of the standards of the Indoor Air temperature in the housing, public and Industrial buildings. It is one of the important critical of the Human Environment.